Monday, June 15, 2009

Creative Curtain

During our recent move, Mr. Apple decided that it was time to clean out his closet and get rid of clothes that he no longer wears. Great! More room for me in the closet! But, when I saw the beautiful pile of dress shirts that he was getting rid of my eyes got wide. I started to see the shirts more as a pile of fabric then discarded shirts. I just couldn't let him get rid of all of these wonderful patterns! So, I kept them. That didn't really help with our clutter problem, but it gave me one heck of a project. Several weeks later I have finally completed what I think may be my favorite project yet!

I knew I was going to make a quilt out of his shirts but how it morphed into a shower curtain, I'm not sure. I took ten shirts and cut them into 9x9 inch squares making sure to utilize some of the pockets and buttons for visual effect. I also preserved the cuffs to use as the hooks for the shower curtains. Finally, to finish things off, I got some cute cotton basket weave ruffle and finished around the edges. Enjoy the pictures and try it yourself! It feels great to have kept all of his handsome shirts in the house - and now they aren't just taking up space. They actually function!

Visit my web album to view the finished product.

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