Sunday, January 4, 2009

Adventures in Quiltland

Now that the holidays are over, I have decided to make a quilt for myself.  I took advantage of a sale on fabric quarters and picked out some colors that I like.  I have only made small quilts so I decided to try a more standard size, 40x60.  This is the size of a nice throw for the end of a bed or over a couch.  I'm not quite ready for the full size quilts yet...this is plenty big for now!  

I forgot how much math goes into quilting.  Luckily it's basic math, but still I am glad that I paid attention in school!  For a 40"x60" quilt I cut 77 x 5 1/2 inch squares of cotton fabric.  That makes for 11 rows long and 7 rows high.  I allowed 1/2 inch for the seam.  I am also planning for a 2 1/2 inch border.  

Call me simple or boring or lazy, but I like a quilt that is just squares.  Maybe it is because I like the minimalist look.  It also helps to showcase the pattern within each different fabric I picked.  Maybe I will graduate to more complex fabric patterns in the future.  

To be continued...

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